

With the objective of facilitating the exchange of international good practice connected to the methods, technologies and standards associated to transportation infrastructures, the STA Certified Training Programmes are ‘knowledge transfer’ courses specifically designed for mobility professionals, both in the private and the public sectors

The STA Certified Programmes currently cover various areas of expertise:

Delivered both online & face-to-face, the Programmes are conducted by an experienced team of instructors with an extensive international experience. On average, each of the individual instructors provides more than 20 years of working and educational experience, having led transportation projects all over the world.

Participants must pass a test at the end of each Programme. A STA Certificate is awarded to those participants with a score above 7/10.

Our Catalogue of Workshops:

Our STA Workshops aim at facilitating the exchange of international good practice connected to the methods, technologies and standards associated to transportation infrastructures. Find the programmes of our completed workshops below and feel free to contact us to organise a custom workshop together.