We are thrilled to announce the 9th episode of the STA Smart Talks video podcast series! STA President & host Dr José F. Papí welcomed Dr Eddy Declercq, Senior Division Manager at Global Solutions Division of Oriental Consultants Global (OC Global, Japan), to discuss the future of transport infrastructures in Africa. Dr Declercq is an expert in transportation infrastructures with extensive experience in the African markets.
Dr Papí’s first question addresses the long-term vision for African transport infrastructures and the degree of implementation of EU-funded transport policy and governance papers. Dr Declercq highlights visions from both the European Union and the African Union, such as the East African Community Vision 2050 and Agenda 2063. He discusses the EU's Global Gateway support and the European Green Deal as frameworks guiding transport developments in partnership with African countries. Additionally, he mentions the World Bank's active role, alongside the EU, in stimulating railways through a joint strategy for sustainable infrastructure developments since 2022.
The second question focuses on whether capacity building and enhanced governance precede infrastructure development in Africa. Dr Declercq highlights the EU and World Bank's insistence on democratic values, good governance, and transparency in investment projects has made a wide impact and a shift in mindset across the continent. However, many African countries still struggle to meet these criteria. He notes significant progress in capacity building, which is now a priority for ensuring sustainable results, drawing from his personal experience of working and living on the African continent during the last 30 years.
Dr Papí also inquires about the political risk in Africa and the short-term future for Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs). Dr Declercq acknowledges that while political risk is rising, there is also an evolution in infrastructure investments. He outlines issues such as lack of follow-up for sustainability, maintenance and internal power conflicts. Despite these challenges, he identifies Africa as a future market with significant investments, citing Africa Global Logistics as an example. He further discusses the interplay between logistics and politics, providing real examples and data analysis.
Dr Declercq addresses the current state of African transport infrastructure. He underscores the priority of road maintenance due to sustainability and road safety concerns, supported by UN research. He also notes recent advancements in transit transport at regional and continental levels.
However, challenges persist in vehicle dimension regulations, registration, and overloading, which significantly impacts road conditions. Dr Declercq highlights that vehicle overloading is a major problem, causing substantial road damage as current infrastructures cannot support the excess weight.
On the last question, focusing on the EU Green Deal and green mobility, Dr Declercq, highlighted the positive development that most African countries follow the Paris Agreement with a clear vision to reach zero emissions by 2050. He notes ongoing issues in the EU regarding meeting the demand for electric vehicles but highlights Rwanda's & Kenya’s successful and ongoing initiatives to promote electric vehicles as a positive example.
In conclusion, Dr Declercq highlighted how Africa is a continent of opportunities, mostly because of the contributions of African people working hard towards a brighter future for the region.
Throughout the podcast, Dr Declercq shares examples and case studies from his professional expertise of over 30 years, providing listeners with a comprehensive understanding of the complexities and opportunities in African transport infrastructure development.
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Author: Eftychia Koliou (Smart Transportation Alliance)