STA Newsletter

Issue # March - April 2021

A bi-monthly online journal providing news and background about activities undertaken by STA with a view to improving the methods, technologies and standards associated to transportation infrastructures.

STA joins EU-funded SCALE-UP project for smart, green and inclusive cities

Advanced urban mobility solutions will be tested across 3 EU cities.


Together with a large consortium of companies, universities, municipalities and institutes, STA will be involved the H2020 SCALE-UP project kicking off in June 2021. The project includes three real-world pilot cities: Madrid (Spain), Antwerp (Belgium) and Turku (Finland).

SCALE-UP seeks to use a data-driven approach to find ways to accelerate and stabilise the wide uptake of smart, clean and inclusive mobility across Europe. The Smart Transportation Alliance acts as Work Package Leader for the Communication & Dissemination activities of the project.

STA reviews the Road Safety Systems (RSS) market in the context of Covid-19

An article has been published in Intertraffic and contains contributions from several STA members.

Intertraffic, the leading global trade event for stakeholders involved in the full spectrum of the mobility ecosystem, released a new article on the importance of new innovative ideas on RSS.

Several of STA’s members highlighted the importance of existing systems but also highlighted the neccessity of implementing new innovative approaches when it comes to the barrier’s design and labelling. Much can be done still to implement higher safety protocols and standardise the labelling of road safety products.


Building infrastructure is our most powerful tool to create jobs and improve the playing field for all businesses.
— Conor Lamb



Biden’s $2 Trillion Plan to Rebuild Infrastructure and Reshape the Economy

The American Jobs Plan, published at the end of March sets out to frame the key priorities of Biden’s proposal. It highlights current topics of global significance such as climate change and inequality. $621 billion will be invested in infrastructure and resilience alone, including the modernisation of bridges, highways, roads and main streets across the country. Another $100 billion go to drinking water infrastructure, power infrastructure and the extension of high-speed broadband.


Global Freight Railway Infrastructure Maintenance Market Report Released

The Report has been published by Market Research Intellect and provides an outlook on the market development with a forecast from 2017-2026. It gives a holisitc overview of the industry and analyses trends as well as consistent developments over the years.


What cities need now

Urban technology projects have recently been focussed particularly on the concept of the “smart city”. However, the latest of such projects, have much in common with previous iterations and during the Covid-19 pandemic, it has become clear that more solutions need to be implemented. How can new technology truly transform a city’s infrastructure?