The Smart Transportation Alliance joins a large consortium of partners for the upcoming SCALE-UP (“Scale up user-Centric and dAta driven soLutions for connEcted Urban Poles”) project. The project kicks off on 01 June 2021 and is EU-funded within the H2020 Programme. It aims to develop data-driven and user centric strategies to accelerate the take-up of smart, clean and inclusive mobility, by means of well-connected and multi-usage urban nodes, to the level needed to meet EU climate and transport objectives.
Three cities, Madrid (Spain), Antwerp (Belgium) and Turku (Finland) participate for the deployment of pilots across Europe. The project will deliver evidence of the effectiveness of the different actions in relation to EU climate and transport targets, and how it accelerates the take-up of these solutions amongst and beyond SCALE-UP urban areas.
STA will lead Work Package 9 - Communication, where it will design and implement a communication strategy to ensure maximum outreach on the project’s activities.